Monday, April 12, 2010

Day One-April 11th

We arrived home last Wednesday, on April 7th. Coming home was a little more overwhelming then I thought it would be.  Actually, it was quite shocking to go from living clutter free for three months to returning to a clutter filled home.  I knew I had a problem with clutter, but I guess I didn't realize just how bad it was until the moment I walked into my own home last Wednesday night.  My plan was to bring all the bags upstairs so they wouldn't "crowd" downstairs while I tried to unpack. Choosing to go upstairs first, was a huge mistake. I had left it in a complete disaster zone. As I had to step over toys and clothes just to get into my bedroom with the suitcases, tears began to flow.  Oh, how I had forgotten what a mess it was.  So after the initial shock, I headed downstairs.  Now downstairs was not "as bad".  The girl that was staying her had tried to clean around the clutter, but there is only so much a person can do.  She was feeling very bad that she hadn't done more to clean, so I turned the turns off quickly.  On top of the normal clutter downstairs, was 3 months of junk mail piled across my table that needed sorting.  So at that point, my plan was to do baby steps.  I set my timer for 15 minutes as Flylady recommends and hit the table with the zeal of a shredder!  I had it all in bags only two minutes after timer went off.  Okay, okay....I know I am supposed to stop when timer goes off, but I was so close :) . 

The next few days were basically been a blur of unpacking and seeing friends that we have missed over these last few months.  My official start date to my flylady blog was Sunday, April 11th.  This was a good day to start, as Sunday's are the official flylady "renew your spirit day".  The girls and I went to church and it was just wonderful.  What a joy it was to see all of my brothers and sisters in Christ again.  My only official mission for day one of the babystepping  flylady routine was to shine my sink.  I will define this in a little more detail when I have more time.  So before I went into slumber sleepy land last night.  My sink was SHINED.  I would take pictures, but my camera is still packed....  Ta ta for now, see you on Day 2: have to check what I am supposed to do today (I forgot)! 


  1. Hey there- I actually found your blog because I just started my own FlyLady-based blog and you have one of the URL address I tried to register! I ended up calling mine. I see that yours is a more recent start-up, as opposed to several I found that were abandonded long ago, so I thought I would follow along in your progress.

  2. Hi there dear fellow Flybaby! I would love to invite you to the brand new Flybabies Unofficial Forums! I need help to make some more people come...Can you help me? Any help would be much appreciated!
